Refund Policy
At BeginnersLight Template, we prioritize customer satisfaction while delivering high-quality digital products.
Please be aware of the following refund policy details:
Refunds will not be issued once a digital product has been downloaded or accessed. We advise customers to thoroughly review product details and specifications before completing a purchase.
However, in the case of accidental duplicate orders for the same digital product, customers must contact our customer support team at within 24 hours of the purchase. Upon verification of the duplicate transaction, we will process a refund for the additional transaction amount.
By making a purchase on BeginnersLight Template, you agree to adhere to the terms of this refund policy.
Should you require further clarification or assistance regarding our refund policy, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at We are dedicated to assisting you.
Please note that this policy pertains exclusively to digital products. For any other inquiries or concerns, kindly reach out to our customer support for guidance.